It’s a Gas!: The Allure of the Gas Station

On sale

1st edition published by Gestalten, 2018
Format: Hardback, 215x265mm
Pages: 240
Condition: Very Good

The preface was written by US-American talkshow legend and passionate car collector Jay Leno.

The first gasoline was sold in pharmacies – but this was to change in the 1950s. As the car experienced its great rise in popularity, gas stations began to pop up like mushrooms out of the ground. Futuristic and progressive, these modern temples of mobility became roadside reference points for young people hungry for independence, and to everyone who strove for a sense of freedom.
Fueled Up showcases an often-overlooked architectural highlight, and explores the possibilities offered by these symbols of transition. Many abandoned gas stations have been given new life as film sets, nightclubs or living spaces; others may be placed under historic preservation, while many are still in operation. Welcome to a view of the gas station as you've never seen it before.

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